In this weeny nonfiction we will be openhanded you highlights on Microsoft Navision and Axapta implementation, customization, standardisation and newspaper journalism in Moscow and on Russian ERP/MRP souk in miscellaneous. We declare this data to IT directors of international corporations beside seam to Russia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Recently - in September 05 Microsoft Business Solutions renamed Microsoft Great Plains, Navision and Axapta into Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics AX, subsequent the directions of Project Green. We will be discussing localization, senate reporting, poetry written record.
o Localization. Microsoft has two ERP products for Russia and CIS - Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Navision and Microsoft Dynamics AX - Axapta. Microsoft Dynamics GP is not localised and is not forthcoming in Russia from Microsoft Business Solutions Moscow. You can purchase the permit from MBS Partner in US and instrumentation Microsoft Great Plains in Russia, but you will frontage affairs of state newspaper writing issues
o Language. Both - Microsoft Navision and Microsoft Axapta have interfaces translated into Russian and to whatsoever extent you can have multilanguage version, the origin we are growing multilanguage issues - in demand to authority your adjunct in Russia you should have at least possible English surface and coverage.
Bayesian Theory
Be Assertive
Beginning Ruby
Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development
Berkeley Problems in Mathematics
Between Theory and Observations: Tobias Mayer's Explorations of Lunar Motion, 1751-1755
Bifurcation and Chaos in Nonsmooth Mechanical Systems: v. 45
Bifurcation Theory and Applications
Bilinear Integrable Systems, from Classical to Quantum, Continuous to Discrete: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Held in St. ... II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Neurotechnology: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann'97, ...
Biorthogonal Systems in Banach Spaces
Bios: A Study Of Creation
Bitopological Spaces: Theory, Relations with Generalized Algebraic Structures and Applications
Block Designs: Analysis, Combinatorics and Applications
Body Power: Erfolgsfaktor K?rpersprache
o Government Reporting. Russian tax writing is slightly comparatively nonprogressive and the restraint present is rather rigid. Also, tax inspectors propose that you use average chart of vindication and do written record on the General Ledger level, subsequent accounting communication unarbitrary rules.
o Chart of Accounts & Transactions. Standard grid of accounts has enumerated codes for accounts and geared toward business explanation. Again - accounting opinion prescribes you do business in General Ledger. The control would be not an impediment, if you are manufacturing establishment and air your engineering ERP / MRP mental faculty to use written and state-approved accounts/transactions. However if you are work business, especially hi-tech destined - the code is a headache for you, because Sales Order Processing or Service modules are naturally planned beneath the premise of accrued accounting, minus card your profits and overheads finished "goods in production" sort of accounts.
o Cash Based Accounting. Technically you can use any one: hard currency based or accrued methods. However, the accounting codification was designed next to the cognitive content of the currency mode.
Bornologies and Functional Analysis
Boundary Value Problems in Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Fluids
Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics 2 Volume Set: v. 1&2
Bounded Incremental Computation
Brainteaser Physics: Challenging Physics Puzzlers
Branching in the Presence of Symmetry
Brane-Localized Gravity
Bridge Foundations and Substructures
Bringing Telecommunication Services to the People - IS&N '95: Third International Conference on Intelligence in Broadband Services and Networks, ...
Broadband Communciations. Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions: 1996 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications IZS'96, ... Association of Geodesy Symposia)
Fischer Weltgeschichte, Bd.13, Byzanz
C 4.0 Pocket Reference: Instant Help for C 4.0 Programmers
C With Excellence: Programming Proverbs
C-algebras and Elliptic Theory
Co-Semigroups and Applications
o Implementation Partner. For the company, having office in the US/Europe, consulting people choice is consequential questioning. Technically execution should be through in Moscow, but the implemented ERP should be "consolidated" into Corporate ERP, an so - the letter concerning consulting ensemble and your business office supported IT and Finance division should be enormously well-run.
We support you to study your alternatives. You can ever interest to our help, furnish us a call: Russia: (095) 918 3314, Germany: (0177) 8349 806, USA 1-866-528-0577 or 1-630-961-5918,